

Jordan and Sam (on the picture) are our new Oxford University Cuban Salsa Rueda teachers 2018/2019. Would you like to know a bit more about our new teachers? We asked Jordan a few questions to get to know her better. Here are her answers:

How long have you been dancing?
Since 2012 when I came to university.

Why did you decide to start dancing?
I’d always wanted to dance, and in my second year of university at Oxford I finally got the chance when I joined the Ballroom and Latin competitive team. I absolutely loved it but really wished I could find a more social dance. At the end of that year, Sam convinced me to go along to my first salsa night and taught me the basic steps in the hour beforehand. I absolutely love it. I joined the University Rueda performance team the term after and have been dancing salsa and rueda ever since.

What do you like the most about dancing?
I love the social aspect of dancing, particularly in salsa. The fact that you can dance with anyone in the salsa-sphere and keep finding new moves and new styles keeps it fresh and fun.

How long have you been teaching?
I started properly teaching salsa and rueda with Sam last year.

Why did you decide to start teaching?
As my day job I am a newly qualified Primary School teacher and I love to share what I know with other people. Recently I took my salsa teaching into school with my class which was really good fun!

What do you like most about teaching?
I find it really satisfying when a rueda wheel works together to execute a new move like a well-oiled machine, especially if we found it tricky to start with!

What is your favourite song?
Our family favourite is Mr Blue Sky by ELO, for which we will sing all the orchestral and sung parts at the tops of our voices, preferably on a holiday road trip under a sunny sky. Dance-wise, I currently love Tell Me How It Feels by Alex Wilson, which Sam and I danced to at a performance at LMH.

What’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you that’s related to dancing?
When I was about 8, I decided to try to teach my dad to dance (having not learnt myself at this point!), so somewhere in our family archive is the first and only episode of ‘Salsa in Slippers’.

What is the most memorable place you have danced at?
After a competition, my friends and I went to a salsa night held in Blackpool Tower Ballroom. It was absolutely gorgeous and the dancing was phenomenal. We didn’t leave until gone 3 in the morning, despite the event saying it would finish at 1.30!

What are your other hobbies apart from dancing?
I am a massive board game, video game, TV and film geek. One of my favourite places to spend time in Oxford is Thirsty Meeples. Seriously, check it out, it’s the best!