Salsa classes

This academic year 2023/24 the weekly salsa classes will take place on Mondays during term time at Hall Room, Wesley Memorial Hall, New Inn Hall Street, OX1 2DH. There will be 3 different levels of L.A.-style salsa classes for beginners, improvers, and intermediate/advanced dancers.

There are 3 different classes for 3 different levels:

7-8 pm Salsa L.A. Style Beginners level with Paco & Laura 

8-9 pm Salsa L.A. Style Improvers level with Paco & Laura

9-10 pm Salsa L.A. Style Intermediate level with Paco & Laura

Each lesson will have a component addressing body posture awareness and will include a warm-up, shines, and styling. Please note that lessons will build on each other therefore it is recommended not to skip lessons for your level so that you can reap the benefits of the classes.

There will also be an additional class every Wednesday at Oxford Retreat (1-2 Hythe Bridge Street):

7.30-8.30pm L.A. Style Beginner level + Improver level Salsa with Gwyneth or beginner level + Improver level Bachata with Sergio.

This Beginners class on Wednesdays is followed by social dancing until 11.30 pm. 

Classes are available to everyone; both university students and non-students are welcome. Society membership is not required to attend classes (but certainly is beneficial!).

Prices per class are:
£5 (for members/discount card holders)
£7 (for non-members)

Prices for Social and Class at the Retreat on Wednesdays:
£4 (for members/discount card holders)
£6 (for non-members)

Typical Salsa Songs.

The Importance of Musicality and Timing

Musicality and timing are EVERYTHING! It doesn’t matter how great you look, how many turns and spins you can do, how flexible you are or your great posture, it doesn’t matter how fast you can move, or how great your styling and footwork are IF they are not done on time with the music. If musicians did not have any timing then they would not be able to coordinate the music that they create, therefore you wouldn’t have songs. As a dancer, if you are not dancing on time with the music, then you are not dancing (although it might look like you are dancing, you’re just randomly moving to no beat).

When you are dancing by yourself, you as a dancer have an established relationship with the music. When you are dancing with a partner, you have a relationship with your partner, and what is holding that relationship together is the music you both are listening to. When you are not dancing on time you lose that connection with the music and the experience of dancing becomes shallow. It then becomes just a random movement. The equivalent would be of someone banging on the drums (Or playing whatever instrument) with no rhythm, it holds no meaning; it just then becomes random noise.

On the contrary, when you are dancing on time with the music it is the equivalent of making music, with your body. The dance becomes MUSICAL. You are being music, and the experience is much deeper. Plus, when you master timing more people are going to want to dance with you because they can make sense and follow what you are doing.

Salsa Rhythm and Timing
What is Salsa?

Matecana Colombian Orchestra
WSS19 – Simone Sanfilippo & Serena Mase Professionals Salsa On1 World Champions

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